Have you ever made a batch of tortillas?  They are not hard to make, but the perfection of them can often takes years and years of practice.  I am not kidding.  I have and continue to try and have not reached that point. 

My mom can make tortillas that are soft when you tear them apart and each one is pretty much round.  Hot off the stove they are heavenly with butter on top! How in the world does she she do it?  There  is something about the chemistry of it, how much butter you put in and how warm the milk has to be. Trying to imitate her method is not easy. She tells me, “Just gauge it, you will know when it is just right.” 

I can’t help but think how very much our  faith walk is like this. When we trust our heart and lives to the Father, we are made new. We are like a child learning something for the first time.  As we read the Fathers word, we learn a little, we read it again, and learn more. We live life and become older, perhaps we see things we never saw before. We get excited when we find layer upon layer of treasure found in the Word. The searching, seeking, growing, stretching and loving should never stop. It’s from this, we are continually being renewed, pressing into to closeness with the Father, as we love and obey His Word. 

Philippians 3:12 says: "It is not that I have already obtained it or already reached the goal — no, I keep pursuing it in the hope of taking hold of that for which the Messiah Yeshua took hold of me."

Have we arrived? By all means-no, but we press in stronger, reaching for the goal. The goal of loving our God, our families, our friends, and community just a little more each day. To be like Him, as we walk on the way, when we retire and when we arise. 

We are all a work in progress, being perfected a little each day into the Fathers likeness.

If you ask my mom today, I don’t think she would say she has perfected the tortilla, but she is well on her way. Me? Well, I have a LONG way to go, but I see the goal and I am reaching for it! For now I will have to settle for tortillas the shape of Africa and Australia! But I will “gauge” it, until it is just right!